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Valley Forge Brings Controlled Bolting Benefits to Bolted-Joint Service Life

Load-indicating fasteners measure tension directly, and not just at installation

Critical joints require controlled bolting throughout their service life to maintain performance, enhance safety, save time, and improve uptime. However, the term is more often applied to installation than to the service life of the bolted joint. Valley Forge & Bolt’s family of load-indicating fasteners makes it possible to monitor bolted joints after installation and to always know fastener tension regardless of the service interval.

While there are no bolts that tighten themselves yet, the tension-based monitoring system of Valley Forge load-indicating fasteners is a reality, offering far greater accuracy than torque-based methods. Valley Forge & Bolt offers controlled bolting with technology that makes it possible to measure the tension directly from the bolt, not relying on inaccurate torque-based measurements. Accurate to within a staggering +/-5% of minimum yield of the fastener, and ASTM F2482 compliant, now bolted joints can tell you their exact percentage of load at any time.

This load-indicating fastener technology is available in Valley Forge products Maxbolt™ Load Indicating Fasteners and the SPC4™ Load Indicating System. Each fastener tells you its percentage of minimum yield on a 0 to 100 scale using either a built-in meter (Maxbolt) or, in the case of bolts with SPC4 technology, using quick-connect meters or wireless sensors to provide a precise measure of the load.

Catastrophic joint failure is costly and dangerous, underscoring the need for accurate, consistent, and repeatable controlled bolting. Yet measuring torque to determine tension is inaccurate, indirect, and inadequate.

With Maxbolt and SPC4, any technician at any experience level can achieve accurate, consistent, and repeatable bolting, not only at installation, but also throughout service life. At maintenance intervals, they will know the accurate tension in seconds and only need to tighten those fasteners that require it. Wireless-compatible SPC4 can even be integrated into a plant’s condition monitoring system for remote readings and in-use monitoring.

The result is an unbeatable joint-fastening solution that assures accurate tensioning for the service life of a fastener, increases speed of installation and maintenance, and saves labor costs—all while increasing safety and improving performance.

Learn more about the complete lineup of Valley Forge & Bolt load-indicating fasteners here.

About Valley Forge & Bolt

Valley Forge & Bolt Mfg. Co. proudly produces innovative, industry-leading fasteners. From start to finish, no matter the bolting issue or the industry, the company’s expertise and resources provide endless capabilities and immeasurable combined bolting experience. Their patented bolting products are widely trusted for their unrivaled quality, extraordinary performance, and enduring reliability. With the ability to produce both standard and custom fasteners to customer drawings and specifications, Valley Forge & Bolt is truly a custom bolt manufacturer, and has been doing it proudly for 45 years. Valley Forge & Bolt Mfg. Co., 4410 W. Jefferson Street, Phoenix, AZ 85043. Call: 1 (800) 832-6587.

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Innovative Bolting Technologies
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Two Options for Load Reading 
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Innovative Bolting Technologies
& Load Indicating Fasteners
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Maxbolt™ Knowledge continuously measures and
displays the amount of tension in a bolt or stud.
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Download the Complete Maxbolt™ Specification Sheet
Maxbolt™ equipped fasteners display load with a
mechanical dial mounted directly into the fastener
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Download the SPC4™ Reader
All models display bolt clamp load with ~5% accuracy.
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Download the SPC4™ Complete
Specification Sheet
SPC4™ equipped fasteners require the use of an external load reader device to attach to the fastener and display load as a percentage of total capacity.
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Tester Brochure
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